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Sharing Caring, Achieving Together

Head's Welcome


On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, I am delighted to welcome you to the website of Woodfield School. 

Our school is a safe, happy place where we aim for our pupils to achieve to their maximum potential in preparation for a fulfilling adult life. Our school aims of ‘Sharing, Caring, Achieving Together’ underpin and guide everything that we do.    

We have thirteen classes, with a maximum of ten pupils and an average of five staff in each class team. Every class has their own classroom and pupils learn mainly with their classmates in their classroom. We are a well-equipped site with extensive school grounds, our pupils benefit from access to a soft playroom, a hydrotherapy pool, several sensory rooms and a coffee shop run by our pupils. We value community links and are committed to every pupil having an opportunity to enjoy off-site learning once a week. We are fortunate to have a wide team of therapists and medical staff who support our pupils. 

We serve a local community which is socially, culturally and linguistically diverse and consider this diversity to be an asset, enriching the educational experience we offer our pupils.  Our school is served by supportive families and a robust governing board who share our ambition for our pupils and the success of our school.  We invest in our relationships with families as they grow with us through each child’s school career and commit to ensuring every pupil is seen, safe and known so they can flourish. 

We hope this website gives a flavour of our school. If you are interested in applying for a school place, a job here or a visit, please contact us via the school office. 

Kate Marrs-Gant 