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Sharing Caring, Achieving Together



Governors have an important part to play in the life of the school and in
this section you will find information on;

The Role and Responsibilities of the Governing Body,
Composition of the Governing Body.
How We Work,
Governing Body Information

Contact: The Governing Body would be pleased to hear from you and can be contacted on

The current Chair of Governors is Carol Kelsey

The Role and Responsibilities of the Governing Body:

The Governing Body does not manage the school on a day-to-day basis that is the role of Kate as Headteacher along with her senior leadership team. As Governors we aim to both support and challenge her in doing this as we want Woodfield to be the very best – an outstanding school.

The Governing Body have three main areas or responsibility

  1. Setting the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school, engaging stakeholders such as pupils, parents and others as well as ensuring that the school’s statutory (legal) duties are met;
  2. Holding headteacher to account for teaching, achievement. behaviour and safety. Along with challenging and strengthening leadership and  contributing to school’s self-evaluation;
  3. Ensuring the school is financially sound and that the finances of the school (including Pupil Premium) are managed effectively and to raise standards.

They are also responsible for specific actions such as ensuring that there is a procedure in place for handling complaints; approving the school budget and appointing the headteacher. In addition to these statutory responsibilities Governors do a wide variety of other things, either through formal committee activity, visits or personal involvement with the day-to-day life or the school.

Composition of the Governing Body

All Governors are volunteers and we are very fortunate have a committed and hardworking Governing Body, where people come from a wide variety of backgrounds, with a wide variety of skills

The Governing Body at Woodfield is made up of representatives from
a number of different areas of school life;

Staff Governor (Teacher)
Parent Governors
Local Authority Governors
Co-opted Governors

Clerk to the Governing Body

How We Work

The full Governing Body meets once every term and in addition In addition we have two committees.

1) Finance, Personnel and Premises
This committee works to ensure that the school operates financial best practice and provides value for money. It also looks at staffing, staff pay and oversees the maintenance and use of school premises.

2) Safeguarding, Teaching and Learning

This committee seeks to ensure that the whole school community is safe. It also works to ensure that the school provides a relevant and challenging curriculum where all pupils progress towards their individual targets.

All Governors sit on one of the committees relevant to their skills, knowledge and interests. Each committee meeting reports back to the full Governing Body meeting.

In addition to the committee reports, the full Governing Body meetings receive detailed reports from Kate as headteacher, discusses key issues, approves policies, make decisions and challenges the school when appropriate.


Please see below links for information on the Governing Body