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Sharing Caring, Achieving Together

Family Support

Woodfield Schools Family Liaison Team

Hi, our names are Lauren, Sarah and Emma, we are the family liaison team here at Woodfield school.
Our team offers a range of different services for our school community.


 Lauren   Sarah  Emma

We can help with….

Filling in forms

Help with different agencies.

Coffee mornings

Support in reviews and meetings

Supporting letters

Well-being calls and catch up.

Even just a coffee and a chat!

If you need support or a chat get in contact via the school office or email us on

Our testimonials

One of my favourite things about my daughter attending Woodfield school is the support you get on a Wednesday at the coffee morning. 

I love going after drop off meeting with other parents that totally get it, it's a safe space to laugh, cry and just have a general catch up on what is what - I would honestly be lost without it!

My child is still in mainstream school doing reduced hours, which can be difficult in so many ways. I’m so glad I discovered the coffee mornings at Woodfield, they have been a really positive experience for me to get socialising with likeminded parents, and a great resource for help and advice.
It’s a nice relaxing environment to unwind and chat about our wonderful children as well as a place to seek 1:1 advice from the lovey Gemma and Lauren who run it. Additionally, it’s nice way to have a small view on what Woodfield school is like also the coffee is also very good!

As a parent of a child at Woodfield, I find these coffee mornings invaluable in just being able to chat to other parents/carers who understand the ups and downs of life with a SEN child.  Gemma and Lauren are so welcoming and are always on hand to offer any help when it comes to SEN information.  They have organised some helpful talks from various professionals within SEN which I have found really useful..